A guest in our group thought about a place near and dear to her. Our host, Michael Rangel, conjured the spirit of a young girl to reveal the name of the city dear to the guest with the help of a medallion that moved left and right or up and down to signal a yes or no. The spirit pinpointed to a city in Georgia, much to the guest’s delight. This is 57 Ghosts, a new theatrical show at The Queen Mary that is akin to a magic show but with a seance twist.
After a three-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Queen Mary’s resident magician and apparitionist Aiden Sinclair and his team are back with 57 Ghosts. There’s a lot of history with the retired British passenger ship, which is located in Long Beach, CA. It’s known as one of the most haunted hotels in America, and it has been home to many attractions including Shaqtoberfest, the annual haunt attraction from Shaquille O’Neal. Guests attending 57 Ghosts will experience an intimate and engaging seance with Michael Rangel as he brings spirits from The Queen Mary to our world.

57 Ghosts is located on the R Deck, which is near the bottom of the ship. The seance room contains all sorts of items from the past including the portraits of the 57 ghosts, an extravagant shimmering dress, creepy dolls, and more.

Guests sit around the table as Michael, our host apparitionist, tells his story of how he got into seances. One story involved a very publicized serial killer from the 1980s. The seance is divided into two parts with the first involving the guests to participate in a lighter affair. The second half gets darker, literally, as the room dims to a dark red lighting. With the first half setting up the seance, the latter half is the moment when Michael would summon a ghost that involved a ritual, an obsidian scrying mirror and other items.
Once the spirit was conjured, it would community with us with different items including a key, a medallion, etc. The tone wasn’t scary since the spirit of the young girl was very helpful, and her living past didn’t seem to be horrific.
57 Ghosts was a fun theatrical show that moved a few in our group to tears. For someone who practiced magic when they were younger, it was a delight for me to see how magic and seance were incorporated into the show. The ambiance and setting are perfect for the seance, and some parts had me anticipating with goosebumps. It’s not a scary show, and it’s more cheerful than dreary.

With the Queen Mary now back in business as a hotel and the seance show available during select nights, guests can truly explore the historic ship that will bring them back into the past. We were able to walk around the ship and check out the decor, the miniature ship model gallery that is actually huge, and more. In addition, there’s a retro swimming pool that looks like a nesting ground for the occult, a gym featuring historical exercise equipment, and more. There’s even a cafe inside called Promenade Cafe where you can eat and enjoy the ocean view.
Tickets are now available for select nights for The Queen Mary’s 57 Ghosts Seance Show at https://www.57ghosts.com/.