The Try Guys to Perform an Interactive Rendition of Romeo & Juliet on August 10

John Nguyen

The Try Guys is a popular internet comedy trio known for their challenge videos like “Keith Eats Everything at Taco Bell” and “The Try Guys Wear Corsets for 72 Hours.” If you’re a fan of the Try Guys, here’s your chance to attend a special event where the guys perform their own interactive rendition of Romeo & Juliet. The live one-night-only event will be held on August 10th at 6 p.m. in Los Angeles.

In Romeo & Juliet: Choose Your Own Shakespeare, Zach Kornfeld, Keith Habersberger, and Eugene Lee Yang will be on the stage for their unique take on the classic story that’s powered by Kiswe, a technology company, and the audience will have control of the outcome.

Playing the part of Romeo is Zach, with Juliet played by Keith. Eugene will be handling multiple roles including Mercutio, Paris, the Nurse and the Friar. The play will allow fans to vote live on the outcome of the actors in each scene. Like a Choose Your Own Adventure, fans will be able to shape the play, resulting in a wild and unpredictable night.

The interactive elements are powered by Kiswe, allowing The Try Guys to perform in the special live-stream event. There will be multicam and interactive features such as chat, cheer, fan reaction, and polling.

Tickets are available starting at $20. The upgraded tickets cost $25 each and include a live aftershow. The all-inclusive experience will cost $45 and includes a ticket for the live stream and the aftershow and an exclusive t-shirt.

Tickets are available at