During the Summer Game Fest Showcase on Friday, June 7th, Capcom announced the Street Fighter 6 – Year 2 characters with a 2D animated reveal trailer. One by one, audiences were introduced to the upcoming characters including Terry, Mai, Elena and M. Bison. It was a surprise to see two SNK characters joining the mix along with the return of Elena. What’s even more surprising is M. Bison, who in the story was thought to be dead.
The first to arrive for Year 2 is M. Bison, who’ll be released in summer 2024. Terry arrives in Autumn 2024, Mai in Winter 2025, and Elena in Spring 2025.
M. Bison was at the very top of the food chain, and now he’s back with amnesia and wearing a raggedy cloak. We had the chance to play the Street Fighter villain during Summer Game Fest Play Days, with the option of choosing his cloaked or classic outfit. He arrives on a horse before a match and gets off the horse in the most M. Bison way you could think of with his arms still crossed.
He has many of his classic moves including the Psycho Crusher (hold back then forward and press any punch button), Double Knee Press, Head Press and many more.
Capcom is still keeping the in-game look of the rest of the characters a surprise by using 2D animation to reveal the characters. However, it’s still a good indicator of their designs when they become available in Street Fighter 6.

The SNK characters are seen in their classic outfits with Terry in his red and white baseball cap and blonde ponytail and Mai in her revealing red and white kunoichi dress. Elena has a new outfit with a white bikini top and white pants. With many of the Street Fighter 6 characters having both their new Street Fighter 6 look and their classic outfits, players can expect to see Elena’s classic bikini-like outfit.
About Street Fighter 6
Street Fighter 6 was developed by Capcom and was released on June 2, 2023. It currently has 22 characters including new ones such as Akuma, Ed, A.K.I., and Rashid. The game has different modes including Fighting Ground (to practice or get right into the fight), Battle Hub (a community lobby that emulates the feeling of going to an actual arcade), and World Tour (the open-world story mode where you can meet Street Fighter characters as your custom character). The game has reached 3.3 million units sold worldwide.