The Umbrella Academy is a Netflix series that follows a family of young misfits with superpowers and is based on the Dark Horse comic book series written by My Chemical Romance’s Gerard Way and illustrated by Gabriel Bá. The live-action series premiered on the streaming platform in 2019, and viewers can now check out the three seasons, with the fourth and final season on coming out in August. Today, the teaser trailer has been released for the upcoming season featuring the Hargreeves family as they deal with a new world and the loss of their powers.
The teaser trailer features a fitting instrumental of “The Final Countdown” by Europe.
The Umbrella Academy Fourth and Final Season Premieres on Netflix on August 8, 2024.
About The Umbrella Academy
Synopsis: The Hargreeves siblings have scattered after the climactic showdown at the Hotel Oblivion led to a complete reset of their timeline. Stripped of their powers, each is left to fend for themselves and find a new normal — with wildly varying degrees of success. Yet the trappings of their uncanny new world prove too hard to ignore for very long. Their father Reginald, alive and well, has stepped out of the shadows and into the public eye, overseeing a powerful and nefarious business empire. A mysterious association known as The Keepers holds clandestine meetings believing the reality they’re living in is a lie and a great reckoning is coming. As these strange new forces conspire around them, the Umbrella Academy must come together one last time — and risk upsetting the shaky peace they’ve all endured so much to secure — to finally set things right.
The show is created for television by showrunner/executive producer Steve Blackman.
Jennifer Cecil, Mike Richardson, Keith Goldberg, Scott Stuber, Beau Bauman, Pascal Verschooris, Jesse McKeown, Abbey Morris, Jeremy Webb, Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá serve as executive producers.
The series stars Elliot Page, Tom Hopper, David Castañeda, Emmy Raver-Lampman, Robert Sheehan, Aidan Gallagher, Justin H. Min, Ritu Arya, Colm Feore, Nick Offerman, Megan Mullally and David Cross.
The show is produced by UCP, a division of Universal Studio Group, for Netflix.
Featured image courtesy of Netflix.