Based on Edward Ashton’s Mickey7 novel, the story of Mickey 17 revolves around a simple man named Mickey, who unexpectedly becomes the world’s savior. In Bong Joon-ho’s latest sci-fi spectacle, Mickey 17, we encounter a unique hero narrative where the hero, Mickey, dies seventeen times. In the novel, he dies seven times, but Bong Joon-ho says that he named his film Mickey 17 because he kills Mickey ten more times in this film.
This film, a departure from the conventional hero narrative, is Bong Joon-ho’s endeavor to infuse a human touch into the sci-fi genre. Mickey 17, based on Edward Ashton’s Mickey7 novel, is a unique hero movie that sets itself apart from the usual hero tales. Mickey’s journey, fraught with repeated deaths, is a significant aspect of his role as an Expendable.
Robert Pattinson’s portrayal of multiple iterations of Mickey is a testament to his versatility. His ability to differentiate each clone while maintaining a consistent physical appearance is commendable. This aspect of the film highlights the challenges of depicting visually identical but distinct characters. The cast also includes Mark Ruffalo as the film’s antagonist, a dictator with a deceptive charm, and Toni Collette as his wife. Steven Yeun, Mickey’s eccentric ally, is also featured in the movie.
At CinemaCon, we also saw a trailer that suggests a darkly humorous tone. The trailer showcases Mickey’s life as an expendable clone who undergoes repeated deaths while on the job. Mickey takes pride in his role within the team. However, the trailer takes an intriguing turn when one of the clones survives, setting the stage for making Mickey into a hero we didn’t think we needed. The film’s premise is somewhat similar to the plotline of 11 Bit Studios’ The Alters, where the main character, Jan, must make alternate versions of himself – the alters – to survive. The film also has shades of Groundhog Day in it with the way that the different Mickeys live out their day differently.
Mickey 17 hits theaters on January 31, 2025.