One Piece has become a global phenomenon with the popular manga, anime series and live-action Netflix series. This year, Luffy and the gang will embark on an adventure during Anime Expo 2024 with a 25th-anniversary celebration with the concert and the premiere of “One Piece” – Egghead Arc English Dub thanks to Toei Animation. The anime studio will be hosting plenty of other activities at the Los Angeles Convention Center including the the first-ever Mugiwara Store Pop-Up Shop in the United States.
The premiere of One Piece – Egghead Arc English Dub will be held on Friday, July 5 at 11:30 p.m. in Main Events at the Entertainment Hall. It will be the start of the new arc with episodes 1090 and 1091.
The U.S. premiere of the One Piece Music Symphony – 25th Anniversary World Tour will be held on Saturday, July 6, at 8 p.m. at Shrine Auditorium. The ticketed event will feature a 50-musician orchestra and is the only officially licensed One Piece concert. The music is arranged and curated in collaboration with original composer Kohei Tanaka. Tickets are available here.
The pop-up store is a recreation of the retail concept known as the world’s largest official One Piece store with eight locations across Japan featuring over 10,000 items from the anime and manga as well as limited edition items exclusive to the shop. It’ll be located inside the Toei Animation exhibit booth and will offer exclusive One Piece merchandise that was previously available at Mugiwara stores in Japan.
Additionally, new and existing Digimon and/or One Piece merchandise are available from Dim Mak (for Digimon / Booth 1520 & One Piece / Booth 3706), Bait (for One Piece / Booth 4329), and Hypland (for One Piece / Booth 1614).
“One Piece” – Egghead Arc English Dub Premiere
Toei Animation and Crunchyroll present the English Dub premiere of “One Piece” Episodes 1090 & 1091, the start of the Egghead Arc! Be among the first to catch the Straw Hats’ arrival at the futuristic and mysterious Egghead Island.
Friday, July 5
11:30 pm – 12:20 pm
- L.A. Convention Center
- Entertainment Hall
- Main Events
One Piece Music Symphony – 25th Anniversary World Tour
Celebrate the 25th anniversary of One Piece with the One Piece Music Symphony, a special orchestra concert combining the most memorable moments of the beloved TV series and the sound of a 50-musician orchestra! The One Piece Music Symphony is the world’s only officially licensed One Piece concert, with music arranged and curated in direct collaboration with original composer Kohei Tanaka.
Saturday, July 6, 2024
8:00 pm – 10:20 pm
- Shrine Auditorium
- Doors open at 6:00 pm